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Crickets to Clients is a transformative 12-Week 1:1 coaching program for newly certified life coaches who are ready to turn their passion for helping others into a profitable business.

With Crickets to Clients you get the best of both worlds - a self-paced course/curriculum and 1:1 coaching and support from a successful coach (to apply learned strategies to your actual business).


  • You are are new to the game but ready to make this the BEST year for your coaching business.

  • You are a newly certified coach who feels overwhelmed about where to start or what to do

  • You want to fast-track your success and avoid spending years trying to figure it out yourself

  • You want to know how to stop hearing “crickets” and start hearing “Cha-Ching!” from prospects.

  • You want to build a wildly successful coaching business while staying true to yourself.

  • You would benefit from 1:1 weekly support and guidance from a coach who has already found success, and gotten clients results!

It's time to turn your hobby
into your business.


What's Included:

12 Months full access to the c2c course!

By the end of Crickets to Clients, you will:

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  • Know how to attract your dream clients to your coaching practice so you can maximize revenue and impact

  • Discover your unique coaching “it-factor”, and use that to be heard in the crowded coaching landscape

  • Create a profitable coaching program that gets clients results 

  • Receive tailored-to-you guidance, support, and accountability as you apply proven strategies to grow your coaching business

  • Formulate a solid plan of action that will take your coaching business to the next level.

  • Have an opportunity to become C2C Certified by meeting the coaching certification requirements of the Crickets to Clients program.

12 Weekly
private coaching sessions

for personal guidance, support, and accountability

Unlimited texts and emails

keep up the momentum with feedback between sessions!

coaching sessions are recorded and uploaded

revisit and refresh anytime you need!

12 Months full access to the c2c course

a digital course full of all my BEST coaching business tips and strategies. Every lesson is delivered via video in juicy, bite-size pieces! 


For a limited time, you could also get...​

  • Onboarding/Honeybook Bonus Training Module  

    • Learn how to build your onboarding and payment processes with ease

  • YouTube Tips BONUS Training Module 

    • Learn how to make YouTube videos that attract coaching clients 

  • My Tips for Effective Time Management - BONUS Training Module

    • Learn how to balance your business with work, school and family, and self-care/mental health

  • Free Strategy Call Script

    • walk into your strategy call with confidence and charisma

  • Free Coaching session flow/script

  • Sample contracts, invoices, etc.

    • to make sure your onboarding process is no-hassle and professional!​

Join TODAY and lock in your bonuses!

Building a Successful Coaching Business Takes More Than
Getting Certified...

If you think clients will magically come to you just because you got certified or did a little research, then this program is not for you.

But if you are willing to show up and do the work that gets real results, this program was MADE for you.
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Sign up for all the latest tips, tricks, and trends


            Tel: 678.636.9058    |   

Atlanta, GA 30309

  • Youtube
  • Instagram
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Yes, I am ready to LEVEL UP my coaching business by enrolling in the Crickets to Clients program!

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